Berkshire county listing

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1C D R Heard276Belated addition - White-rumped Sand. The RBWM website shows that, on NE side of Dorney Common, the Berks boundary switches to the WEST bank of the Roundmoor ditch. So when I saw the WR Sand fly along the ditch on 21/7/22 it was clearly inside Berks (I believe this also applies to Dave Carter)29/09/2023
=T A Guyatt276 13/07/2024
3D J Barker270New species for 2020, Night Heron; 2021, Hooded Crow10/05/2021
4B T Bennett269 26/05/2024
5L G R Evans267Latest additions in 2019 - Black-winged Stilt and Rose-coloured Starling; 2020 Whooper Swan; 2021 Hooded Crow; 2022 White-rumped Sandpiper10/09/2022
6F J Cottington265Hooded Crow - 9th May 2021 - joint self found patch & county tick again Night Heron - 8th Aug 2020: Self found patch and county tick! Rose-coloured Starling, Black-winged Stilt10/05/2021
7A B Tomczynski264 26/05/2024
8A M Horscroft263 17/05/2024
9R H Stansfield259 26/05/2024
10A Johnson258Latest hooded crow 9/5/21; night heron 16/8/20; rosy starling 28/10, bw stilt 11/9/19; Parrot crossbill 27/11/17; Red-necked phal 31/5/15; white stork 1/5/14, Iceland gull 17/3/14; R-b shrike, Bonaparte's, Pallas's; B-b pipit; Snow bunt, Manx, Roseate, Leach's.09/05/2021
=H R Netley258 06/03/2024
12M F Walford257 17/05/2024
=A D Bassett257 05/06/2024
14K E Moore256 15/09/2019
15R Crawford253 24/08/2020
=N Cleere253Latest - Hoopoe 19/04/2020, Blue-winged Teal 17/05/2024, Marsh Warbler 31/05/202431/05/2024
17J W L O'Brien251Most recent: Black-winged Stilt, EGP (11/09/19)13/09/2019
=S Ricks251 04/03/2023
=P E Hutchins251Most recent additions: Spotted Sandpiper, QMR (24/05/2024), Blue-winged Teal, Chamberhouse Marsh (17/05/2024); Hooded Crow, Lines Road, Hurst (09/05/2021);Goshawk, Crookham Common (05/09/20); Black-crowned Night-heron, Sandford Lake (16/08/2020); Black-winged Stilt, East Fen, Moor Green Lakes (11/09/2019); Wood Warbler, Dinton Pastures CP (01/05/2019); Parrot Crossbill, Wishmoor Bottom (27/11/17)31/05/2024
20R Ness25010/09/2016
=R Addison250Latest: Marsh Harrier (!)08/07/2024
22K Spring248 22/09/2018
=D N T Rimes248Latest: Wryneck, Crookham Common (16/09/22), Hooded Crow, Lea Farm GP (09/05/21), Night Heron, Dinton CP (16/08/20), Hen Harrier, Aldworth (30/12/19), Black-winged Stilt, Moor Green Lakes (11/09/19), Parrot Crossbill, Wishmoor Bottom (30/11/17). Includes Quail & Corncrake (heard only)16/09/2022
=D A Carter248Try to see my berks list at SSF -Dorney Wetlands,but will obviously travel further afield if I think there's no chance of the bird gracing the patch. As at 27 9 14 with gannet SSF-Dorney wetlands list is 175,taken 28 years to get there tho25/05/2024
25M J Dear243 18/05/2024
26R Dryden2422021 additions: Hooded Crow at Lea Farm 2020 additions: Kittiwake at Lower Farm, Quail on the Downs, Night-heron at Sandford Lake 2019 additions: Rose-Coloured Starling at Calcot, Black-winged Stilt at Moor Green, Wood Warbler DPCP 19/05/2022
27R C Watts240Jack Snipe 1/1/12 Lavells Lake D.P. Bearded Tit 2 March 2012 Dorney Wetlands. Cattle Egret 22 March 2012 Home Farm Sheffield Bottom. Bar-Tailed Godwit 29 April 2012 Burnthouse lane floods Whimbrel 29 April 2012 Burnthouse lane floods Buff-Bellied Pipit 15th December 2012 Iceland Gull 18/3/2014 Latest WHITE STORK 24/4/14. Latest Great Reed Warbler. 22/5/2014 Grey Phalarope01/05/2022
28C Lamsdell23806/01/2018
29R J Godden236New in 2015: Black Redstart, Red-necked Phalarope06/09/2024
30P Cropper234 01/10/2021
31M G McCarthy233Whooper Swan05/03/2013
32M J Taylor232Latest: Wryneck 01/09/2024, Marsh Harrier (finally!) 12/07/2024; Black-winged Stilt 13/09/2019, Grey Phalarope 30/09/2017, Parrot Crossbill 03/12/201701/09/2024
33R J Burness22924/02/2013
=R Gilham2292019 addition: Wood Warbler DPCP. 2018: Pied Fly at DPCP, Spotted Crake at Dorney Common.01/05/2019
35N Rampton228Common Crane x2 over Wishmoor Self Found White Stork - Spencers Wood (from back garden) Bonaparte's Gull - Hosehill 26th April 2013 Whooper Swans - Beenham 22nd Feb 2013 QMR - Female Hen Harrier 27th Jan 201319/08/2020
36I D Paine227 14/09/2019
37D K Parker22409/02/2011
38R Keel222 31/10/2021
=R Dawson222 14/05/2023
=J M Clark222 28/02/2024
41R Collins218 14/05/2022
42K Tubb214Latest the 2 juvenile Kittiwakes @ Theale Main Pit29/09/2011
=T G Ball214 28/12/2019
44G B Langley209 13/02/2024
45B M Archer20721/01/2013
46B McCartney20509/02/2011
=R McCartney20509/02/2011
48J P Holt20309/02/2011
49J C Morgan199 10/03/2024
50D Finnie19409/02/2011
=P Driver194Notching up Berks ticks since 2008. Doing so at a glacial pace, as most of my waking hours are spent out of the County...but I'll break 200 one fine day!17/05/2024
52M J Smith18909/02/2011
53M J Inskip18209/02/2011
54K P Duncan179 02/05/2024
55N R Godden17809/02/2011
56G Smith17309/02/2011
57P Bysh17117/02/2013
58M Terry16914/08/2015
59A Ford16609/02/2011
60M H Gostling165 22/04/2021
61B Stalker162Based in Hampshire but occasionally stray into Berkshire! Not a great list but add to it when I can. Latest: Hawfinch; WF Goose; PF Goose; Great White Egret; Black-winged stilt; cattle egret.24/02/2023
62R C W Davies160 12/05/2022
63P M Lamsdale15708/07/2014
64I Twyford15109/02/2011
65S Collier14808/07/2015
=F Hutchinson1482021 additions: Hooded Crow, Ruddy Duck, Woodcock09/05/2021
67D Mackenzie1462017 Additions.. Garganey 16/04/17 Lavell's Lake, Little Gull 07/05/17 Black Swan Lake, Greenshank 07/05/17 Lavell's Lake, Parrot Crossbill 28/11/17 Wishmoor Bottom, Hawfinch 01/12/17 Lavell's Car Park field.30/03/2018
68K Creed14509/05/2013
69M Cooper144 15/12/2023
70P White14309/02/2011
71S Robertson135 05/09/2024
72J Sandell134 22/01/2024
73B Howes13109/02/2011
74P Foulds11904/03/2018
75J Hewitt112Non serious due to school but I get out whenever I can.27/12/2012
=K Taylor112 13/02/2023
77D Broadbridge110 05/08/2023
78D Edwards105 21/03/2024
79P Lincoln103Aylsbury duck/ Snow goose/03/05/2019
=N Mackley103 18/07/2024
81S Stevenson97 11/05/2020
=S Scott97 06/06/2022
83L Floyd8016/03/2012
84S G Percival7902/05/2014
85A Cronin5807/08/2017
86T Gale5322/10/2012
=L Groom5307/07/2014
88M Lyford41 24/03/2019
89D R Hare35Not finished...27/03/2012
90C Garrett14 15/02/2021
91E Minchin320/01/2015
92A Absolom2 07/05/2020
93P Francis117/02/2017
=L Mckrill1 15/05/2020