Dominic Mackenzie's Berkshire county life list


Great Northern Diver02/02/18Oxlease Lake Woolhampton GP
Little Grebe10/01/13Mill pond Bracknell
Great Crested Grebe08/01/13White Swan Lake Dinton pastures
Black-necked Grebe02/02/18Lower Farm Trout Lake Newbury
Cormorant03/01/13Lavell's lake Dinton pastures
Bittern08/01/13White swan lake Dinton pastures
Little Egret********************
Grey Heron02/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Mute Swan01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Whooper Swan03/03/13Beenham
White-fronted Goose26/01/13Eton Wick on the flood
Greylag Goose06/02/13North Lake South Hill Park Bracknell
Canada Goose01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Barnacle Goose18/02/14Malt Hill Warfield
Brent Goose24/02/18Lea Farm GP Dinton Pastures
Egyptian Goose01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Shelduck03/03/13Lea Farm GP Dinton Pastures
Mandarin Duck04/01/13Savernake Lake Bracknell
Wigeon03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton pastures
Gadwall01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Teal03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Mallard01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Pintail04/03/18Sandford Lake Dinton Pastures
Garganey16/04/17Lavell's Lake, Dinton Pastures.
Shoveler03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Red-crested Pochard08/03/14Sandford Lake Dinton Pastures
Pochard08/01/13Black Swan Lake Dinton Pastures
Tufted Duck03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Scaup22/02/14Grove lake Moor Green Lakes
Goldeneye08/01/13Black Swan Lake Dinton Pastures
Smew09/01/13Wraysbury GP
Goosander09/01/13Wraysbury GP
Red Kite01/01/13Park road Bracknell
Marsh Harrier15/06/13Moor Green Lakes
Sparrowhawk23/01/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Buzzard08/01/13Binfield village
Kestrel01/01/13Forest Road Winkfield
Hobby25/04/13Swinley Forest
Grey Partridge02/04/13Cheapside Ascot
Pheasant03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Water Rail03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Moorhen01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Coot01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Oystercatcher16/02/13Main Pit Theale
Little Ringed Plover********************
Golden Plover26/03/13Field behind Stirrups Country House Hotel Winkfield
Lapwing06/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton pastures
Dunlin04/04/13Eton Wick on the flood
Jack Snipe26/02/18Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Snipe26/01/13Eton Wick on the flood
Woodcock25/02/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Redshank04/04/13Eton Wick on the flood
Greenshank07/05/17Lavell's Lake, Dinton Pastures
Green Sandpiper26/01/13Eton Wick on the flood
Common Sandpiper27/04/13Lea Farm GP
Mediterranean Gull********************
Little Gull07/05/17Black Swan Lake, Dinton Pastures
Black-headed Gull03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Common Gull03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Lesser Black-backed Gull20/01/13New Workings Moor green lakes
Herring Gull02/01/13Park road Bracknell
Common Tern23/04/13Lavell's lake Dinton Pastures
Feral Pigeon01/01/13Bracknell town centre
Stock Dove23/01/13 South hill park Bracknell
Collared Dove01/01/13 Winkfield
Ring-necked Parakeet01/01/13 Over Stirrups Country House Hotel Winkfield
Cuckoo25/04/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Barn Owl********************
Little Owl01/01/13Easthampstead Park
Tawny Owl05/03/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Short-eared Owl********************
Nightjar26/05/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Swift05/05/13Radcliffe Way Bracknell
Kingfisher10/01/13Mill Pond Bracknell
Green Woodpecker10/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Great Spotted Woodpecker01/01/13Winkfield
Skylark16/02/13Main Pit Theale
Sand Martin01/05/13New Workings Moor Green Lakes
Swallow11/04/13Bagshot Road Bracknell
House Martin27/04/13Sandford Lake Dinton Pastures
Tree Pipit25/04/13Swinley Forest
Meadow Pipit21/01/13New Workings Moor Green Lakes
Buff-bellied Pipit13/01/13Smallmeads GP
Yellow Wagtail28/04/16Malt Hill Warfield
Grey Wagtail20/01/13Along river Moor green lakes
Pied Wagtail03/01/13Jennets Park
Waxwing03/01/13Jennets Park
Dunnock03/01/13 Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Nightingale07/05/17Black Swan Lake, Dinto Pastures
Black Redstart********************
Redstart25/04/13Swinley Forest
Stonechat05/03/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Wheatear02/04/13Park View Farm Wokingham
Blackbird01/01/13 Winkfield
Fieldfare08/01/13Dinton Pastures
Song Thrush07/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Redwing10/01/13Birch Hill Bracknell
Mistle Thrush01/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Cetti's Warbler26/01/13Along Roundmoor Ditch Eton Wick
Sedge Warbler01/05/13Downmill Road Bracknell
Reed Warbler01/05/13Mill Pond Bracknell
Dartford Warbler********************
Lesser Whitethroat09/05/17Lark's Hill Warfield
Whitethroat17/04/13Larks Hill Warfield
Garden Warbler23/04/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Blackcap10/04/13Park Road Bracknell
Pallas's Warbler21/01/13Along river Moor Green Lakes
Chiffchaff26/01/13Roundmoor Ditch Eton Wick
Willow Warbler20/04/13Swinley Forest
Goldcrest02/01/13Park road Bracknell
Long-tailed Tit04/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Marsh Tit02/03/14Coombe Wood
Willow Tit********************
Coal Tit02/01/13Park road Bracknell
Blue Tit01/01/13Winkfield
Great Tit02/01/13Park road Bracknell
Nuthatch02/01/13 Park road Bracknell
Treecreeper03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Great Grey Shrike19/02/17Wishmoor Bottom, Swinley Forest.
Magpie01/01/13 Winkfield
Rook03/01/13Dinton Pastures
Carrion Crow01/01/13Winkfield
Raven18/08/13Swinley Forest
Starling01/01/13 Winkfield
House Sparrow02/01/13Park road Bracknell
Chaffinch01/01/13 Winkfield
Brambling09/03/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Siskin10/01/13South Hill Park Bracknell
Linnet04/05/13Larks Hill
Lesser Redpoll03/01/13Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures
Common Crossbill02/02/13Caesar's Camp Swinley Forest
Parrot Crossbill28/11/17Wishmoor Bottom, Swinley Forest
Bullfinch13/01/13Larks hill Warfield
Yellowhammer06/05/13Forest Road Wokingham
Reed Bunting03/01/13 Lavell's Lake Dinton Pastures