Compton Downs

Grid Reference: SU5080

Recent sightings

30/06/24SwiftCompton Downs100A B Tomczynski
At least - feeding high up over the downs.  
14/06/24KestrelCompton Downs1N J Bucknell
fem. on refurbished barn by track to Churn - also one (same?) at west end of concrete road at Churn at 15-20.  
14/06/24StonechatCompton Downs4N J Bucknell
2 pairs. one pair by track to East Ilsley, 16-15; second south of track to Churn at 16-25, both agitated.  
14/06/24Corn BuntingCompton Downs14N J Bucknell
around Compton Gallops.  
14/05/24Corn BuntingCompton Downs1N J Bucknell
singing by Ridgeway, foot of hill.  
14/05/24Corn BuntingCompton Downs9N J Bucknell
around Compton Gallops.  
14/05/24HobbyCompton Downs1N J Bucknell
flying over southwards, near junction of Ridgeway and track to East Ilsley.  
14/05/24StonechatCompton Downs1N J Bucknell
male. by track to East Ilsley, agitated.  
04/05/24Grey PartridgeCompton Downs5N J Bucknell
3 near track to East Ilsley at 11-05, 2 more south of Ridgeway at 11-15.  
04/05/24LapwingCompton Downs2N J Bucknell
on field south of Ridgeway near Compton gallops.