Golden Oriole


2018Golden Oriole, Wokingham, 17th August. *
2017Golden Oriole, Woolhampton GPs, adult male, 4th May. *
2014Golden Oriole, Moor Green Lakes, male, 17th May. (R. Murfitt)
2013Golden Oriole, Wraysbury GPs, fem/imm male, 2nd July. (C. D. R. Heard)
2002Golden Oriole, Clayfield Copse, Caversham, male, 19th May. (B. T. Bennett)
1992Golden Oriole, Rapley Lake, male and female, 29th-30th May.
1990Golden Oriole, Windsor Great Park, 12th May, record not listed in bird reports.
1983Golden Oriole, Theale GPs, immature male, 23rd May.
1981Golden Oriole, Newbury, 11th May, also 13th May.
1971Golden Oriole, Ashley Hill, male, 13th May.
1957Golden Oriole, Ascot, male and female, 4th October.
1956Golden Oriole, Windsor Great Park, male, 20th September.
1937Golden Oriole, Newbury, late May/early June, found dead.
1870Golden Oriole, Enborne, two.
<1868Golden Oriole, Billingbear.