Berkshire bird news

Search results

You searched for all sightings reported between 01/01/2024 and 31/12/2024.

18/06/24SpoonbillDorney Wetlands, Jubilee River1L G Evans
The first-summer that was gracing the flood on the Dorney Common flew west along the Jubilee River at 0925 and eventually flew NE over Slough Sewage Works at 0932.  
12/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1M Szymanski
about 50 m from the water treatment plant. Please only view from the public footpath.  
12/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1S Harley
New Workings, west of grey box. SU798624. Please only view from the public footpath.  
11/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1J D Savage
Out from the grey box. Please only view from the public footpath.  
11/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1E Napper
Still present and sleeping seen from Grey Box. Please only view from the public footpath.  
11/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R J Godden
ad. Still showing from the grey box. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1K P Duncan
still present on West Fen from grey box. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1T A Guyatt
ad. The bird has just returned and landed to E of 'grey box' near the old Manor lake. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R H Stansfield
Negative news
ad. Just flown off east. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R H Stansfield
ad. Still present asleep straight out from grey box. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/03/24SpoonbillNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1H Wright
West fen. Please only view from the public footpath.