Caesar's Camp, Swinley Forest

Grid Reference: SU8665

Recent sightings

02/06/24NightjarCaesar's Camp, Swinley ForestM J Hubbard
No Nightjar heard this evening but spoke to Forest warden around 10pm who told me he lives beside Rapley Lake to the east of the forest & he's hearing them regularly around there atm .  
02/06/24StonechatCaesar's Camp, Swinley Forest1M J Hubbard
Beteen Caesars Camp & Upper Star point.  
12/05/24StonechatCaesar's Camp, Swinley Forest2J Carson
09/05/24CuckooCaesar's Camp, Swinley Forest2R Parsons
One in area just south of Caesars Camp and another calling to the east.