ROC Annual Bird Reports and Berkshire Bird Reports

2 February 2004 | Marek Walford

The Birds of Berkshire (Berkshire Atlas Group, 1996), with over 100 breeding distribution maps and 99 winter distribution maps and 316 illustrations, describes the status of most birds seen in the County is available at �10/copy (�5 to ROC members).

The Birds of Berkshire Report for 1996 and 1997 is available at �4.50 per copy.

In addition, several ROC members have donated spare copies of earlier reports to be sold with the proceeds going to Club funds. Spares of the reports listed below, are being sold on a first come first served basis for offers over �3/copy. With the exception of 1947 and 1948, all have Robert Gillmor front covers. Currently available:

Also available:

Please contact:

Renton Righelato
Secretary, ROC: 63 Hamilton Road, Reading, RG1 5RA; Tel: 0787 981 2564; E mail: