Berkshire Rare-ometer

26 June 2006 | Marek Walford

Are you fed up of getting up early and seeing nothing? What you need is the Berkshire rare-ometer. As well as using this website to find out what has been seen, you can now use it to find out what will be seen.

Every day the Rare-ometer will consult the Oracle and give an accurate prediction as to whether a rarity will be found. The prediction will be presented on an ascending scale of "sh*t", "dead", "promising", "rare" and "monster". So, if the Oracle predicts that the day will be "sh*t" you can stay in bed, but if the Oracle predicts "monster" you better be at your local patch for dawn!

The prediction will be displayed on the home page below the "Today in" feature.

Inspired by the Norfolk Rare Predictor on the fabulous Punk Birder website.