The Birds of Berkshire Conservation Fund Jan 04
2 February 2004 | Renton Righelato
The profits from the sales of The Birds of Berkshire are held by the BOC in a fund dedicated to bird conservation work. After making three grants in 2002/3 totalling �1,700, the fund available now stands at approximately �3,700. The Club is inviting proposals for 2004 from local organisations or individuals for grants to support bird conservation work in Berkshire in general and for projects involving wetlands in particular. It is unlikely that individual grants will exceed �1,000.
Proposals will be judged against the following criteria:
- Is the site within Berkshire (essential) and does it contain wetland or have relevance to wetland or wetland species (desirable)?
- Will the project help locally threatened species to breed or winter more successfully?
- Will the project have long term benefits for wildlife and/or habitat, based on (i) the expected life of the work done or purchases made, (ii) the extent to which they can be subsequently protected and (iii) the level of support the project will receive and that required to secure a reasonable life expectancy?
- Will the grant result in increased benefit to users of the site?
- Has applicant the agreement of site owner to carry out the work to be funded and to maintain the project thereafter?
- How important is the grant to the success of the project (what other funding is available or being sought; what will happen if a Birds of Berkshire grant is not awarded)?
- Project management: will grant money be "well spent".
Proposals for consideration in Spring 2004, stating the work to be done and the conservation benefits it will provide and addressing the above criteria, should be sent to the secretary who can be contacted for further information (Renton Righelato, 63 Hamilton Road, Reading, RG1 5RA; tel 0118 926 4513; email by 31st March 2004. Applications will be judged by a committee representing the authors of The Birds of Berkshire and the Environment Agency, which provided support for its publication.