2020 records
4 January 2021 | Marek Walford
Please submit your 2020 records as soon as possible, preferably by the end of January. Records need to be imported into the database, de-duplicated, validated, and reviewed by BRC, before they can be made available to other organisations.
Moor Green Lakes Group and Newbury District Ornithological Club like to get started on their bird reports in the first half of the year. British Birds and the Rare Breeding Birds Panel need records by November to include in their Scarce Migrants and Rare Breeding Birds reports.
Although every effort is made to include late records in the Berkshire Bird Report, this isn't guaranteed. Likewise, late records may not be forwarded to other organisations.
If you submit records to berksbirds.co.uk, Bird Track, Moor Green Lakes Group or Newbury District Ornithological Club, we will get a copy so you don't need to submit them again.
Many thanks to those of you who have already sent in your 2020 records!