Berkshire Records Committee
31st December 2017 | Richard Burness
The Berkshire Records Committee (BRC) is tasked with the review and adjudication of descriptions submitted to support records of rare or scarce species reported in the county.
As of January 2018, the committee members are;
- Derek Barker
- Adrian Hickman
- Andy Horscroft
- Ken Moore
- Hugh Netley
All of whom should be familiar names and faces to anyone who goes birding in Berkshire. Richard Burness (County Recorder) remains non-voting committee convenor and is currently acting secretary.
As a consequence of restructuring Peter Standley, Robin Dryden and Chris Heard will no longer be members of the BRC. They are thanked sincerely for their valuable contribution to the recording process. It is hoped that they will now make themselves available in an advisory capacity, taking on investigative reviews outside the remit of the BRC.
All of the above freely give, or have given, their time and expertise to support birding and the recording process in Berkshire. However, the process is not just the Recorder, the Database Manager and the BRC. All the birders who submit their records play their part. So, we ask that you to help us by ensuring that records of rare or scarce species are accompanied by the appropriate level of supporting evidence. A list of species, and a rare record report form, can be found on the Recording page of the BOC web site. Records should be sent to or through your usual medium. Unsupported records make the task of validation difficult for the Recorder and the BRC.
You are now able to follow the progress of your records on the berksbirds web site. Simply go to You will find a list of rare or scarce species that have been reported during the past few years. The table shows the date, the species and a code indicating the current status of the record. The status of records is continually updated by either the Recorder or the Database Manager.